The Bamboo Workshop becomes a hub of daily activity for sustainability

Our bamboo workshop,fully functioning since the end of last year,is now a daily hub of activity that has not only generated excitement and creativity amongst EBPP Bamboo Team, locals and high school students in the EMpower sponsored Bamboo Creative Skills Development extra curricula training but also with individuals and businesses who have seen some of our firstbamboo products and are now placing orders for Indonesia and overseas!
In line with our long term sustainability vision for these remote and previously isolated mountain village communities, optimising the multiple benefits of bamboo both for environmental/ecosystem rehabilitation and sustainable economic development,this stage in high quality bamboo products will form the backbone of the community-based sustainable development, led by the high schools students with all finishing, quality control and product displays being based in new facilities centred around the new bamboo workshop.
Balancing bamboo dragonflies, bamboo speakers, musical instruments, miniature cars and planes, etc. are being produced by our students, supported with skills training by our Bamboo team, led by Ketut Suastika. For building the bamboo bikes, we have a team led byDeniNugraha, an experienced Indonesian bamboo bike builder, with our first order placed by a UK expat on 27th February. This was on the back of a 10-day intensive training course by a bamboo bike professional from Brazil and with our recently added bamboo drying room, we will be producing bamboo road bikes before the end of March 2017
We have selected photos that illustrate all of this great progress, made possible by the generosity and support of our GlobalGiving crowdfunding supporters who have facilitated a new chapter in the sustainable social and economic development of our whole village – thank you once again.